‹‹ Projects

User Researcher
Below are links to several projects that I led during my year and a half at Tableau. It is not an exhaustive list – rather, it contains several large projects that I’m proud of as well as several smaller projects that showcase a range of my skills.
Jobs to be Done - Two large-scale, mixed-methods Jobs to be Done studies conducted in previously unresearched product areas.
Home Page Redesign - Unmoderated user test that compared user opinions of the previous Tableau Public homepage to a prototyped update, spurred by my previous study's recommendation to reconfigure the website. Provided insight into the impact of the update ahead of launch.
Product Testing + Mentoring a Designer - Moderated user test that answered foundational questions about users' expectations and mental models of a new product during beginning stages of development. Also an opportunity to mentor a designer interested in conducting their own research.
Persona Creation - Formulated a set of learner personas based on a literature review of past Tableau and Salesforce research.